NSS Report


NSS Camp 2016 conducted at Takli (Mali)

NSS Unit of Shreeyash College of Engineering and Technology Aurangabad have conducted a NSS camp at TAKALI (Mali) Village, Taluka Aurangabad from 08-02-2016 to 13-02-2016.

The timely guidance and cooperation extended by Dr. R. S. Pawar (Principal SYCET Aurangabad) & Dr. U. B. Kalwane (Director SYCET Aurangabad) gave a wide scope to conduct the activities successfully.

NSS Camp conducted at Adgaon from 09/02/2015 to 15/02/2015

The National Service Scheme was started to establish a meaningful linkage between the Campus and the community. Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, had recognized that the Country could not progress in a desired direction untill the student youth were motivated to work for the upliftment of the villages/community

The rural projects generally include the working of NSS volunteers in adopted villages for eradication of illiteracy, watershed management and wasteland development, agricultural operations, health, nutrition, hygiene, sanitation, mother and child care, family life education, gender justice, development of rural cooperatives, savings drives, construction of rural roads, campaign against social evils etc.

The NSS Camp of 2015 was organized from 9 feb 2015 to 15 feb 2015 at Adgaon and all the above activities were conducted by the students of our college

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